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Bailey Jayne – 5 Years Old

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How is it that my baby girl is 5 years old already? It seems like just yesterday we were nervous parents bringing you home from the hospital with our hearts full and a little terrified of what was next. We are so proud of the beautiful, kind young lady that you are becoming and Bailey, we love you so much!

I love how kind you are to everyone – especially if someone is having a bad day. You are always there to pick them up.

You are one smart cookie. It has been hard not going to school and seeing your friends and teachers everyday, but I have enjoyed watching you learn while we homeschool.

Your sweet smile lights up a room, even when you’re being a little trickster!

The camera loves you and I love that you love the camera back. You know what pictures you want to take, what poses you think work best. I’m glad you enjoy being behind the lens with your own camera too!

My sweet dancer. We love to watch you dance. I know you are missing your classes and competitions during this crazy time, but we are proud of how hard you are working at home during your Zoom classes.

Keep twirling baby girl and let your joy show!

We’re proud of your strength and your determination. We love watching you practice your leg grabs and your candles.

Be silly. Life is too short to take everything so seriously. Thanks for helping us lighten up.

Take big leaps and don’t be afraid to fall. We will always have your back.

I love watching you question the world. I may not always like it when you question me, but I know you’re looking for answers.

Protect yourself and those around you. You may not be as battle ready as your sister, but you protect your friends and family fiercely.

Keep shining your bright light. You’ve made me a better person and the world a better place by just being you.

You’re a natural…beauty, athlete, dancer and friend. Don’t change for anyone.

Stand up for what you believe in, let others know how you feel. I am so proud of you and your convictions. When they go low, we rise!

Sing your heart out! I love how quickly you can pick up a tune and your love of all music. We can share the classics and I’ll learn your new favorites.

My baby girl

You’ll always be my baby, my heart, my love. Watching you grow is my biggest pleasure and my deepest pain. I wish I could keep you little forever, but I will always be here to watch you blossom.

You’re Daddy’s girl. I love that you snuggle up in one of his softest shirts and get so excited to see him come home. He’s your biggest fan too!

You have been such a good sister to Tequila. I love how kind you are to all animals, but watching you take care of Tequila and keeping his calm and safe is a beautiful thing. I have no doubt you will make an awesome vet.

You were born a nurturer. I have loved watching you take on a mothering role with your little brother. He smiles immediately when he sees you and it makes my heart melt.

As the oldest you will always lead the way, thank you for being such a great teacher to your brother and sister.

I love the way you can make your sister laugh, especially after she’s been upset. She looks up to you so much…your friendship should be treasured.

Oh baby girl. Happy 5th Birthday! We love you so much and can’t wait to see what this next year will bring!


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