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Hunter Paul – 2 Months

Posted on 6 m read

A busy weekend of celebrating continues today with the celebration of Hunter turning 2 months old! We may be trading a fun brunch with a doctor’s visit and some shots (poor guy) but we’ll make it special anyway!

Hunter is 11 lbs 11 oz and 23-3/4 inches. We had his two month appointment today and poor baby had three shots. He was super smiley and flirting with the nurse all up until she stabbed him with the first needle. Poor baby looked heartbroken. Luckily we plan lots of snuggles today!

Hunter has grown so much in just a month and he fits so perfectly into our little family. He is such a smiley guy and is super chill. He is really alert and loves to watch his crazy sisters run, jump and dance all over the house. When he smiles, it starts out shy and slow and then lights up his whole face. It gives me all the feels. He loves to chat and tell you all about his day, be carried on your shoulder to check out what’s going on and fight sleep to stay in the moment with everyone. He’s a great eater and will let you know when he’s hungry by getting really excited and shaking his fists. He loves to listen to everyone sing, dance with the girls and Daddy during their dance classes, feel the sun on his face when we’re outside playing, going on walks snug in his wrap and get kisses from Bubba. He’s a lot more active and is kicking his feet at his toys, following everyone with his head, sitting up in his Bumbo and checking out everything in his jumper. He’s not a fan of tummy time unless he’s on Mommy’s tummy and doesn’t really like to be put down, but he is such a blessing to us and I can’t believe he’s already two months old! We love you baby boy!

Mr. Personality

Hunter is such a happy baby and is already showing off quite the personality. I guess he has to with such strong older sisters. His smiles completely melt my heart, and he shares them with us all day! From kisses to smirks, he’s full of joy. Baby smiles are the best!

Baby kisses for the win


This month Hunter has started to play a little more. He is kicking his feet at his toys, he is smiling at everything we show him and punching his arms. His new favorite activities are the jumper and the Bumbo.

Babywearing for the Win

We have been so fortunate that all our babies have loved to be worn. Hunter is no different. He could be hanging out with me or Dad in the Solly wrap all day. It allows us to get a lot done around the house, go on long walks and in this time, keeping him safe from any unwanted attention or touching. Plus he works on his neck muscles so he’s been able to sit up a lot more.

Sibling Love

Hunter has his hands full with his sisters, but there is one thing I know, they will love and protect him fiercely. They can bring out some of the biggest smiles and can invade his personal space better than anyone. I love watching them bond and can’t wait to see the shenanigans to come!

Sweet Sleepy Snuggles

Hunter’s not the best napper (well for me, anyway) but he definitely a cute one! Luckily he gives me a couple decent stretches of sleep at night. His favorite napping spot – always Daddy!

Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day was a beautiful day. I got to sleep in a little, have a lovely brunch that I made mostly the night before and we spent most of the day outside with family. I am so thankful to have three beautiful babies, a loving husband and a close family that I love. Especially one that will spend a whole day putting together a swing set, calming the chaos and meltdowns and teaching the girls to burn things with magnifying glasses (oh, Pop Pop).

Backyard Wonderland

The girls love being outside and have really enjoyed going on our walks and nature hikes. We have explained why the playgrounds are closed and they have both been really good about understanding everything. They even point out the other kids that aren’t following the rules. Last week Sienna made the comment on our walk about how much she hates the virus because she just wants to swing again. It broke my heart.

They have been so good during all of this and we are trying to keep things as normal as possible, but we do miss getting out and playing, visiting our favorite playgrounds, Deanna Rose and the Zoo. I had an idea and Brian got on board really quick. I found a small trampoline on Marketplace and then we found a play set, that was originally sold but the seller came back to us and said we could have it. We rented a U-Haul, enlisted Grandpa, Uncle Mat and Grandma to help and we worked all day Saturday to get everything set up. The girls are obsessed and they helped get everything ready then went around thanking everyone several times. We look forward to spending lots of time in our new backyard wonderland. Thank you to Grandpa, Grandma, Uncle Mat and especially Brian for all their hard work in making this happen!

Quarantine Birthday Bonanzas

Last year we celebrated both girls’ birthdays at Disney World and the beach with Gigi and Pop Pop. It was a crazy and magical vacation that we will cherish forever. This year both girls had quarantine Birthdays so we made the best out of them. They each started their days with a doctor appointment (poor Bailey had to get a few shots – boo) but then we got the celebrations going with video calls with grandparents, opening presents and cake – lots of cake! It may not have been as flashy as last year, but these Birthdays will definitely be ones to remember too. We decorated the house with homemade decorations, we made their favorite foods and I made their cakes (with their decoration and design guide). The girls are so close that they share most of the same interests so they spent most of each day playing with their new toys together. The highlight was the karaoke machine, which has been a lot of fun for everyone! I can’t believe we have a 3 and 5 year old already!

Her pick – a chocolate candy Alita cake
Her choice – Paris and the Eiffel Tower
Zooming with her class on her Birthday

Easter in Quarantine

This was our first Easter without a big celebration with family. There were no Easter Egg Hunts or Creepy Easter bunnies, but we made the best out of it. We had a nice family breakfast, did video calls with both sets of Grandparents and played with all the fun things the Easter Bunny left the kids. It was very low key but we enjoyed spending the time together.

Outdoor Fun

Weather in Kansas is all over the place but we have tried to get outside and play as much as we can. We have really enjoyed finding new trails to explore, hikes to go on and just enjoy spending time together outdoors. It has definitely been our saving grace during this quarantine. We look forward to spending even more time outside as the weather heats up in our pools, with our water table and in our new outdoor wonderland!

We love looking for painted rocks
We took a walk to the church we were married at


We have finally gotten in a groove with our homeschooling and I have to admit that I am really enjoying it. Watching Bailey and Sienna learn has been a real treat. It hasn’t gone 100% smoothly but we have definitely had fun! And our home dance classes have become even more exciting since we got our costumes in. It’s just more dun dancing when you’re fancy!

We made a habitat
Indoor P.E.


We’ve been a little too busy for Snapchat but we still got a few snaps in because little man loves looking at himself.

We’ll be busy snuggling today before dour Zoom dance classes. Hope you all have a wonderful Monday!


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