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Daddy’s Girls Run the World

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In the everyday chaos of life with 2 young girls, I often forget to take a moment to breathe and reflect on how amazing my husband is. He works so hard everyday with almost no sleep and he still makes the time and effort to get down on the floor and play with the girls. Watching them anxiously awaiting his arrival every evening as he gets off of work melts my heart as much as the endless giggles I hear coming from the basement during a game of chase. He doesn’t shy away from a game of dress up or a fresh pedicure with our newest pink polish, he embraces it and is proud to show off the glitter and the polish as a badge of honor. 

Being a father to all girls isn’t easy…he often walks into a trio of glass-cased emotions or a battle for the most twirly dress, but his calm, easy-going mood can quickly brighten even the darkest of moods. He is often asked if we are going to “try for a boy” and is taken aback at the callousness of those who assume that having only girls is some sort of burden. I have heard him on numerous occasions tell the inquisitive strangers that we are more than happy that we have two happy and healthy children, especially when we have friends that have struggled with infertility and multiple miscarriages. My inner self beams at his pride in our little family and his courage to speak up about how being surrounded my girls is a blessing. 

Girls aren’t a burden. They are no less than boys. The narrative that all men need to have a son to carry on the family name is as antiquated as the belief that the earth is flat, or that cigarettes are good for your health. Making comments referring to the fact that our family is not complete without a boy devalues the two beautiful and sweet souls that we are raising to believe in their worth as human beings. By standing up for our girls, he is setting a precedent for the way they will be treated in the future and their inner self worth. His continued advocacy is the reason why our eldest stood up for herself at the playground when the boys wouldn’t let her up the slide after numerous attempts and simply stated 

I am Wonder Woman, I will crush you

and smiled sweetly and thanked the boys as they let her pass. It’s the strength matched with the kindness that you are passing down to our babies and I am forever grateful. 

It’s not just all about the girls. He knows when I am about to pull out my hair and will sweep up the girls for a special outing even after putting in  16+ hour day. He’s my rock when I am about to crumble, my cheerleader when I’m afraid to fall. He makes me laugh everyday and embraces the whirlwind of sparkles, tutus and fairy wings that comes with a house full of girls. We may not have as much time to ourselves anymore, but I wouldn’t want to share this crazy, beautiful life with anyone else. Thank you for loving me, the girls and Bubba…we love you more than you will ever know. 


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