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Hunter Paul – 2 Weeks Old

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We are in the second week of our social distancing but it’s gone by pretty fast because we’ve been enjoying lots of baby snuggles. Hunter is 2 weeks old today and is already showing some personality. He giggles in his sleep and gives us a few smiles. He has been a pretty good sleeper so far and is definitely a great eater. We’ve been working on some tummy time and his neck is getting stronger everyday. He loves to snuggle up like a tree frog and everyone loves to cuddle with him.

Little stud muffin
Daddy’s Mini
Funny boy

The girls love Hunter so much, they are constantly asking to hold him, giving him forehead kisses and gushing over how much they love him. He just soaks up all the extra love. They are both really good with him and love to sing, read and tell him all about their days.

We spent as much time as we could outside on walks, playing soccer and just soaking up the sunshine while it was out. We are looking forward to more beautiful spring days which helps the quarantine go by much faster. Good news, I was able to go on a few walks without the big boot…I am using my ankle brace instead. I may have overdone it but it was worth it to get my stride back.

We had his weigh in at the end of last week and he gained 7 oz in 4 days, surpassing his birth weight, so our pediatrician said everything was really good. It was a little nerve racking taking him in to the office for the visit with everything going on but luckily they were doing well visits at a separate time than sick visits and we kept him in our wrap while we were waiting – baby wearing for the win! I’ve definitely been all over the board with my emotions over the whole COVID-19 pandemic. I think a lot of that stems from the postpartum anxiety that all Mom’s face after coming home from the hospital along with the hormone roller coaster and sleep deprivation having a newborn brings. Being flooded with news (real and fake) only added to the anxiety at first, but then a wise woman- my Mom and my super supportive husband let me cry it out and we decided to be proactive and get informed. I read the entire CDC website dedicated to COVID-19 and we became very thorough with our hand washing, disinfecting and social distancing. We also made a plan for when Brian goes back to work so that we are prepared to face whatever comes our way. Taking it one day at a time and finding and celebrating the good each day has made us more thankful for what we have and has made our family even stronger.

We started doing a little home school each day to give Bailey a bit of normalcy. We’ve made it a family affair and Sienna has really enjoyed the lessons too. So far we’ve learned about rabbits, plants, baby animals and the moon. Thanks to Scholastic online, they’ve got easy plans for pre-K and Kindergarten and we’ve added fun activities to help get both girls engaged. We aren’t stressing a schedule right now and both girls are very curious so it has been working out really well. We also do a lot of playtime, art and activity to get the girls moving.

We hope you and your family are doing well. We want to extend a special thanks to Jessica and all of the healthcare workers, emergency responders and all of those working so hard right now. You are all in our thoughts and prayers. And to end on a sweet note, here’s a sneak preview of our newborn photo session with the amazingly talented (and patient) Kim Joyce Photography. We can’t wait to see the rest!


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