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Hi, I'm Sara.

Making Champagne Taste work on a Lemonade Budget

I’m a wife of a handy, big-hearted man with extreme patience and the willingness to tackle endless “projects” on short deadlines.  A sleep-deprived Mombie of two sassy (yet sweet) fairy princesses and one very debonair (and picky) black lab trying to make champagne taste work on a lemonade budget.

More about me…I love to write, cook, play and treasure hunt for deals. I have champagne taste but am working with more of a lemonade budget, so I have to get creative in order to achieve the results I want. In doing so, I found my passion in making it work for less and I enjoy coming up with new projects for our home, kids, events and more…much to the delight of my husband.

I’m a bit of a control freak with a stubborn streak, but am evolving with motherhood and I am learning to pick my battles while acknowledging that you cannot control toddlers, or messes, or the length between showers (hello, Mom bun).

I started blogging back in 2011 when we first got married to share our wedding photos with our families and friends. When we started making improvements to our house, I shared photos and adventures in our home renovations that got quite a bit of traffic thanks to social media. Once we started having kids, the blog morphed into monthly photo journals of the girls growing up and all their milestones and achievements. I had a growing list of posts I needed to complete about our home projects but didn’t finish because they seemed a little out of place. With some encouragement from my friends and family I decided to jump back into writing about what I love – adventures in parenting, DIY, home renovations and making it work for less.

Follow our adventures in DIY and raising two tiny treasure-hunting pixies as we navigate this crazy world together.  We’ll share favorite projects, recipes, games, tips and more – including past fumbles and what we’ve learned along the way so you can laugh with us and avoid some of the same mistakes.

Professionally Speaking…

I grew up in radio and have promotions and marketing in my blood. While working on my Journalism degree I started working in the radio promotions department which meant that I had to be creative, juggle multiple projects, work crazy hours and make magic happen behind the scenes. We were in charge of making champagne-worthy events on a lemonade (and often tap water) budget, but I loved testing my creative limits while making clients and listeners happy. Oh, the stories I could tell…and I just may, stay tuned. It was a wonderful time because I worked with my Mama, learned from the Queen (love you Miss Marcy!), met the craziest and hardest working bunch of weirdos that I love dearly and last, but certainly not least, it’s where I met and fell in love with the man of my dreams – with a little help from a broke-down Buick and scraped knee.

After radio I dabbled in media buying, association marketing and human resource recruiting before leaving the corporate life to raise my babies. While the industries all seemed diverse, they allowed me to use writing, creativity and my marketing background to solve problems and help clients and everyday people reach their goals. Now I freelance and help former clients and friends with their marketing, social media and event planning needs. I get to work from home while spending time with my girls so it’s a win-win for our family and means little to no sleep for me, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Currently Living On





