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Milestones: Bailey’s First Haircut

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It’s been a long time coming, but Bailey got her first haircut today. We weren’t trying to hold onto her baby locks forever, we just hadn’t taken the first snip yet. Bailey loves showing off her pretty long hair but has become increasingly obsessed with getting a haircut. She has a few pairs of scissors that she practices cutting paper with and to avoid the route her Daddy took as a kid, we’ve had numerous talks about special hair cutting scissors that you have to be a professional who has gone to school to cut hair. 

She was a little leery at first but thanks to Fancy Nancy and her misadventures in hair styling, she has managed to heed our advice. In the last week or so she has been asking us to find a professional for her. We were going to have our friend cut it but life happens and both of us have been too busy to get together. Today we were out treasure hunting and as we stopped for lunch we noticed a SuperCuts next door. We discussed it all through lunch and Bailey told everyone she saw that she was going to get her hair cut by a professional so we knew she was ready. 

Bailey strutted in and told the lady at the front she was ready for her first cut. The stylist was really nice and got her all set up while explaining the steps along the way. She was really excited to wear the cape. 

Prepped and ready

We didn’t want to make a drastic change with the first cut so we just asked for a trim. Bailey was so good at following directions and keeping still.

Such a big girl
Our peanut gallery patiently waiting

It only took a few minutes to complete the trim and then it was time to reveal the final outcome and Bailey loved it! Her split ends were all cleaned up and it was still long enough to make Rapunzel proud. She made sure to thank her stylist and give her a special tip at the end. 

Super happy girl

She couldn’t wait to go home and show off her new ‘do to her big brother and had to put on a new dress for him to take in the full effect. This girl has sass for days but we are so proud of her for acting so polite at the salon. 

She’ll be ready for her next haircut right before her next big milestone – starting preschool this fall. Cue the waterworks now. 


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