How the Pillow Fairy saved my sanity (and got my toddler to sleep)

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Sleep is a lost art when you are a parent. If you find something that works for your kids, you want to share it with all your friends. We’re in this together. Here is how the Pillow Fairy saved my sanity and got my toddler to sleep.

Night Owls

I live with night owls. It started in the womb with Bailey as her kicks always seemed to start around 11:30 pm and my little tap dancer would tap tap tap-eroo her way through my rib cage until about 3:00 am. I thought she was a little mixed up because she was in my belly but in reality she was readying me for the late night dance parties to come.

Starting as an infant, she seemed to enjoy playing and cooing into the wee hours of the morning. We tried moving naps around and did every bed time calm down routine we could find to no avail. I outwardly laughed and inwardly wept when suggestions poured in from friends and strangers alike. When I heard the words at parks and playgroups “I’m exhausted, [insert name here] didn’t go down until 10 pm last night, I was up all night”, I wanted to punch them in the face. 10 pm? That would be a dream!

She wasn’t just up late at night, she seemed to have a renewed source of energy that never stopped. Once she was mobile, she would crawl/run around the house a few times, tinker with toys, read books, etc. until she physically wore herself out. She rarely napped during the day and slept in a bit, but the child rarely slept.

Oh, and did I mention she would only sleep if she was in our bed? Yeah, the desolate crib mocked me every time I went in to change her. I’m sure somewhere along the line we went wrong letting her sleep with us, but when you’re breastfeeding a night owl, you do what you need to do to get buy.

Adding Night Owl #2

It didn’t bother me too much at first since I worked from home and could sleep in a bit with her in the mornings. When we found out we were pregnant with number 2, I thought for sure we would be able to get into some sort of early sleeping cycle by the time baby was born. Nope! Then, when little sis started following the same night time kicking pattern in the womb, I knew I was in for it.

Sienna arrived right before Bailey turned 2 and joined right in on the late night parties. Sienna may have stayed up later than most babies her age, but she was my unicorn baby that slept 8 hours straight once she finally got down. I had a ton of people ask me how I was sleeping with the new baby and I laughed because I was still dealing with a toddler that never slept – the baby was a breeze! After a few months, her unicorn status started wearing off and I reached an exhaustion of no return. When she began not sleeping unless physically touching me, sharing a bed with a toddler and a 4 month old crooked in your arm wasn’t going to work.

They may look cute, but not when you are sharing a bed with both of them

My Breaking Point

I could deal with one child’s late night parties, but adding in a second and trying to fit us all into one bed was my limit. Add on the hubs picking up a couple overnight shifts to ease the financial strain we were going through and I was trying to zone defense two adrenaline fueled night owls at night alone. After a complete breakdown phone call to my husband’s voicemail at 3:00 am, through wracking sobs I told him something had to change.

Real Mom Moment – Accidentally taking a photo while calling hubs, thanks Google Photos for saving every photo, even the bad ones

Meet the Pillow Fairy

I am a total believer in signs and things happening for a reason, so when we took the girls down to one of our favorite fall festivals the next day and the cloudy skies broke to shine upon one booth in particular, I had to stop and check it out. The sweet lady grabbed my hand and said, “honey you look exhausted, do you have trouble getting your daughter to sleep in her own bed?” Wait…what? I scoured the crowd waiting for someone to jump out with a hidden camera and looked for her magic ball, but when I saw nothing, I laughed and said, “story of my life”.

She told me about the book she wrote for her grandson that was having a hard time going to sleep and staying asleep in his own bed at night, called The Pillow Fairy. It was a story about a little boy who was told about the Pillow Fairy, who comes only at night once you fall asleep in your own bed and if you stay asleep the entire night, she leaves a little gift for you. It seemed like a cute story and I was so sleep-deprived and desperate that I purchased it, had her autograph it for me and didn’t think much of it. As we drove home, I showed my husband the book I bought and read a few excerpts to which we agreed, we would start reading it to Bailey as soon as we got home – what could it hurt?

Little did we know that in a few short weeks, this book would change our life…for the better. That may seem dramatic, but when you average about 2-3 hours a night of sleep for an extended period of time, sharing a bed with not one, but two children – it was a miracle.

Story Time

The best part about the Pillow Fairy is that it starts with the two of you reading a book. Yes, an actual book on paper – not a projection on the wall or on a phone or tablet. It’s a story you can share with your child over and over again. Children love to be read to and when you follow this story and tell them that the Pillow Fairy could visit them too, if they follow the rules, it adds to the excitement. I’m not going to get into the entire story, but I can tell you that Bailey was so excited, she rushed to her bed at 4 pm ready for the Pillow Fairy to visit.

We read the story every night for a week and it finally sank in after the 5th time. We read the story, looked out the window for the Pillow Fairy who was waiting for her to fall asleep, tucked Bailey into bed and we waited for her to slowly climb into bed for us. But that time never came – when Sienna woke at 2 am for a feeding, we peeked in on Bailey and she was sleeping soundly – in her own bed! We did our happy dance and then realized we needed to find something to slip under her pillow from the Pillow Fairy.

Sleeping in Aunt Erin’s bed

The next morning, I woke to giggles and happy sounds as Bailey ran into our room to show us that the Pillow Fairy came and brought her a stuffed dog toy! She was so excited she had to show baby sis, her brother Tequila and we even had to call Gigi and Pop Pop. That night she hopped right back into bed and made sure to wave to the Pillow Fairy before drifting off into sweet slumber.

Lasting Effects

I couldn’t believe it and wasn’t sure that it would last, but with only a few hiccups, Bailey not only went to her own bed, she stayed in her own bed overnight and has been sleeping soundly ever since. We were worried about breaking the bank with all the little “gifts” from the Pillow Fairy, but we hit up the $1 section at Target, checked out the local Dollar Tree and even went to Claire’s for some fun gifts that didn’t hurt our budget.

Once we got through a few months, we started talking to Bailey about all the other kids that really needed the Pillow Fairy’s help and she agreed that it was time for her to move on. We still sneak a few treats under her pillow, but it’s an extra special surprise for her and she doesn’t expect it. It’s been over 6 months and she not only sleeps in her room all night, but she has started going to bed every night around 9:00 pm!

If we could just get our littlest nugget to sleep, we wouldn’t know what to do with ourselves!

My current view..she will be up before I finish this post, guaranteed

Don’t Wait, Get it Today

I have recommended the Pillow Fairy to multiple Moms (and a few desperate Dads) and all have given me a glowing review saying that this finally worked for their family! I knew I had to share where to purchase the Pillow Fairy for the countless others in need.

Everyone needs a little magic in their life, the Pillow Fairy is definitely ours! Wishing sweet dreams for your littles and for you!


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Princess Party in the OP

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Spending the morning partying with hundreds of princesses may sound too good to be true. Add in some splash time in your favorite princess dress and it’s the Best Day Ever! And if you don’t have to shell out Disney prices to meet a few of your favorite princesses, you are experiencing an ultimate #MomWin!

I swear she picked the dress herself

When you have so many dresses to choose from, picking the perfect dress for the occasion was a little difficult. After a few wardrobe changes, Bailey decided on Jasmine and Sienna picked out Snow White. We were meeting up with a friend who didn’t have a dress so Bailey picked a few of our favorites to share and we hit the road. Well that was the plan…after frantically searching for keys (bathtub), phone (daybed drawer) and Tulas (both in the car already), we dashed out and were only 10 minutes late.

We finally made it to Downtown OP and for a moment I panicked because I thought I had the wrong date (not that that’s happened before, ahem) but then the first princess emerged. Last year there were so many people that we didn’t get a chance to see the princesses, but we got to see the Mermaid. This year since school was still in session the lines were a lot less people so the lines were a lot shorter (another #momwin)!

The girls were so good waiting patiently in line. They loved showing off their dresses and twirling with all the other little princesses and smelling every flower along the street. They danced, they waved and we only had a few runaway moments.

Meeting the Princesses

When you’re 3, meeting a princess is the ultimate. When you’re 1, you could care less…you’d rather pull out every flower and try to see how fast you can run through the crowd before Mom catches you. When we finally got up to meet Cinderella and Tiana, only Bailey wanted to stay still for a photo, so it was all the more special for her. The Princesses from The Storybook Forest were amazing and so patient with each girl, twirling, hugging and answering the most important questions…do you like my dress? 

Time to cool off

After all the princess excitement it was time to cool off so we made our way to the fountains. Bailey seemed a little hesitant at first but made her way in.

Sienna didn’t care…she was going right in.

After yesterday’s car wash experiment, Sienna has become obsessed with water hoses and water fountains so she had an absolute blast trying to drink all the water. We had a lot of fun sitting back and laughing.

Once the water fun was done, we dried off in the sun a bit and walked around the market. Bailey gave me more hugs than I can count and as we buckled in, she whispered…

Best Day Ever…love you Mommy

Total #MomWin! Hope today is as memorable for you as it was for us!

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Strawberries & Dream Pudding Cookies

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These Strawberries & Dream cookies are melt-in-your-mouth delicious. Made with fresh, hand-picked strawberries, these cookies are the perfect sweet treat for picnics and end of school year snacks!

We may have overdone it with the strawberry picking over the weekend so we needed to find ways to use the really ripe strawberries before they went bad. When Bailey asked to bake cookies last night, I knew we needed to come up with a way to incorporate some of our strawberries.

I’m not a big strawberries and chocolate fan, but Bailey is so to compromise we swapped in white chocolate chips to our favorite chocolate chip cookie recipe with our secret ingredient – pudding and decided to add cut up chunks of strawberry for a strawberries & cream taste. Crossing our fingers, we set to work gathering the ingredients and mixing everything carefully. I was concerned with the ripeness of our berries and how the juice would disrupt the texture of the cookies so we tossed them in flour and that helped set the juices while mixing.

We used our trusted 2″ cookie scoop and were pleasantly surprised that we were able to get 42 cookie balls out of the batch. Then it was time to bake! We set the timer at 8 minutes and when the timer beeped, we opened the oven door and were pleasantly surprised that the edges were set nicely and they looked ready to take out. Since it was our first time making them, we let them set on the cookie sheet for a few more minutes before moving them onto parchment paper.

After about 5 minutes, I let Bailey take the first bite…her eyes lit up and before she could swallow she told me that they tasted like a dream, thus the Strawberries & Dream Pudding cookies were born!

We had a lot of fun making these and hope you and your family do too!

These Blueberry Cheesecake Pudding Cookies are a little tart and a super sweet way to use up all those blueberries picked this summer. The blueberries pop their juices as the cookies cook, making them an instant favorite among the kiddos!


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Strawberry Fields Forever

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The girls love food, especially fruits and vegetables. They love to go shopping at the grocery store and farmer’s market for fresh produce and they love learning where their food comes from. The girls started growing tomato and strawberry plants with the help of Gigi and have been really good at taking care of their plants, watering them when needed and keeping Sienna from pulling out the roots. 

Bailey’s already enjoyed a few strawberries from her plant and Sienna has developed a bit of a strawberry obsession so we decided to take the girls to one of the You Pick farms near us. It was a little stormy but since we were already up watching the Royal Wedding we decided to brave the rain and headed to our favorite farm. 

We’re fortunate to live by several You Pick farms that have an assortment of fruits available to pick during the season. For strawberries, our top 3 favorites are: 

  1. Gieringer’s Orchard – This is our personal favorite because it is the closest to our home, it’s quick and easy to get in and out and there are a lot of extra activities for the kiddos. They also accept credit/debit so if you’re littles pick way too many berries, you aren’t scrambling for cash at the end. 
  2. Wohletz Farm– This farm is out in Lawrence and run by a sweet family. There are fun activities for the kids but this is a cash/check only farm. 
  3. Benny’s Berries– This is one of the bigger You Pick farms. We have had a lot of friends that have visited and enjoyed this farm but we personally have not visited this farm yet. 

We went to Gieringer’s since the weather was a little iffy and it turned out to be a perfect choice because it was a little muddy but it was nice and cool for berry picking. 

Bailey hit the ground running as she was an old pro at berry picking. Sienna was a little more reserved at first but she hit her stride as soon that first berry hit her lips. It’s a good thing they don’t weigh the kids before and after because we would have probably doubled our total. 

What are we going to do with these two?

Sienna may have walked away three pounds heavier looking as if she finished a meal with Hannibal Lector, but she had a lot of fun. We checked out and then headed over to the play area for some strawberry donuts and to run out some strawberry energy. Bailey even gave a surprise performance at the top of one of the hay bales for all the little boys running around. 

You Pick Farm Tips

Before heading out to one your local farms we have a few tips we’ve learned along the way:

Tip #1: All three farms have excellent social media pages that we recommend visiting before heading out to the farms. They will let you know the status of the fields and berries in case of inclement weather and an influx of people. Once the berries are picked out for the day, they will shut the farms down so you definitely want to check the status before you go. 

Tip #2: Bring rain boots and wear old clothes. It can get muddy and strawberries are super juicy so you don’t want to dress your best and risk staining your favorite clothes – especially if your little ones only wear princess dresses, as is the case in our household. 

Tip #3: Wear bug spray! We thought since it was a little colder we wouldn’t need it but poor little Sienna got several bites that look a little more like oak mite bites, so don’t chance it. 

The girls are already talking about going back so we may be taking Gigi and Pop Pop with us next time. For now, I’m working on some recipes to use up our strawberry bounty. We’ll be sharing a few of those soon!

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Another year older

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Birthdays are a funny sort. They are celebrated when we are young and dreaded as we get older. I never shy away from celebrating the birth of my friends and family, but when it came to my own I am less excited. I prefer behind the scenes to the spotlight and don’t want people to fuss over me. When my oldest overheard me say that today was just another day, she stopped me and said..

“no, it’s special because you’re special Mommy”.

After a few tears at how incredibly intelligent and intuitive that she is, I realized she is right and I need to be her example. I am special because of the love of my family and my friends and I am worth celebrating, as is she and her sister and their patient, amazing Daddy. So today I am celebrating being another year older, a little less wiser and even more grateful.

A little less wiser

Each year I realize I know less than I thought I did the year before. Life’s funny that way. When you’re younger you think you have all the answers, but as you grow and experience life you realize you have so much more to learn. I learn something new everyday through missteps, failed attempts and the joy and wonder of my children.  I’ve learned the beauty of seeing things through your children’s eyes and the sorrow that comes as they grow a little older and more independent. I learn everyday that I cannot control everything and that I wouldn’t really want to as the spontaneity of life is the most valuable. I’m keeping my heart and my arms open to new and unexpected experiences. 

Even more grateful

Everyday I am learning to be more present and enjoy my surroundings. Am I tired? Sure. Do I miss girls nights? Of course. Would I like to travel more? Absolutely. But when I look into the smiling eyes of my two beautiful babes and handsome hubby, I know that I am beyond blessed and wouldn’t change a single thing. Life’s an adventure and I am learning to enjoy the ride. 

Thank you for all the birthday wishes, texts, messages and calls. You all make the day even more special!

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Milestones: Bailey’s First Haircut

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It’s been a long time coming, but Bailey got her first haircut today. We weren’t trying to hold onto her baby locks forever, we just hadn’t taken the first snip yet. Bailey loves showing off her pretty long hair but has become increasingly obsessed with getting a haircut. She has a few pairs of scissors that she practices cutting paper with and to avoid the route her Daddy took as a kid, we’ve had numerous talks about special hair cutting scissors that you have to be a professional who has gone to school to cut hair. 

She was a little leery at first but thanks to Fancy Nancy and her misadventures in hair styling, she has managed to heed our advice. In the last week or so she has been asking us to find a professional for her. We were going to have our friend cut it but life happens and both of us have been too busy to get together. Today we were out treasure hunting and as we stopped for lunch we noticed a SuperCuts next door. We discussed it all through lunch and Bailey told everyone she saw that she was going to get her hair cut by a professional so we knew she was ready. 

Bailey strutted in and told the lady at the front she was ready for her first cut. The stylist was really nice and got her all set up while explaining the steps along the way. She was really excited to wear the cape. 

Prepped and ready

We didn’t want to make a drastic change with the first cut so we just asked for a trim. Bailey was so good at following directions and keeping still.

Such a big girl
Our peanut gallery patiently waiting

It only took a few minutes to complete the trim and then it was time to reveal the final outcome and Bailey loved it! Her split ends were all cleaned up and it was still long enough to make Rapunzel proud. She made sure to thank her stylist and give her a special tip at the end. 

Super happy girl

She couldn’t wait to go home and show off her new ‘do to her big brother and had to put on a new dress for him to take in the full effect. This girl has sass for days but we are so proud of her for acting so polite at the salon. 

She’ll be ready for her next haircut right before her next big milestone – starting preschool this fall. Cue the waterworks now. 

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Mother’s Day Gift – Heart Wall Hanger DIY

Posted on 4 m read
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We hope everyone’s Mother’s Day was as beautifully spent as ours. The girls were super excited to show Gigi the Mother’s Day gift – a Heart Wall Hanger that they helped make before spending the morning at the Arboretum. It was a simple project and our first with our new band saw, so we wanted to share our plans with you. 

Let’s take a step back – what do you get when you take your husband on a treasure hunt on a beautiful Saturday? If you guessed a Perfect Bacon Bowl and a band saw, you’d be correct. The bacon bowl might not be too surprising as he registered for a quesadilla maker for our wedding – and would like for me to point out it was the first thing purchased off our registry. The band saw was a bit of a surprise, especially since I had no idea it was on his radar, but he puts up with my randomness so I will go with it. Naturally before we brought it home I had already found band saw project ideas on Pinterest but was ready to wait until he was ready to put this new tool to use, thinking it would sit in our garage collecting dust for awhile. 

Proud owners of a new band saw and a bacon bowl maker

It took less than a week before he came to me and wanted to put together a Mother’s Day gift for my mom to test out the new band saw and wanted help with a design. He wanted to start off with something more simple and thought a heart would be a great way to start. We wanted to get the girls involved and I knew fighting would ensue if there was just one heart to paint so I had him make three in case one didn’t turn out. So we created a Mother’s Day Heart Wall Hanger.

What You’ll Need

We had some scrap plywood laying around so I traced out 3 hearts onto the wood leaving enough space to cut the wood down into squares first to make it easier to do the curved cuts. 

After cutting the wood into squares, he took each piece and carefully cut out the curves with the band saw. It’s important to wear safety glasses while doing this project and any other woodworking project and keep the kids at a safe distance in case of splintering. 

After each heart is cut, sand down the edges and even out any imperfections. We left some in because we wanted to make it look homemade since it was from the girls, but feel free to smooth the imperfections out. 

Once the sanding was done and the edges cleaned up, it was time for the fun messy part. The girls picked the paint colors they liked best and we busted out the paint brushes. Mom tip: when doing hand prints/foot prints brush the paint on their little hands/feet one at a time and quickly place them on the canvas to get a cleaner finish. The kids love it because it tickles and cleanup is a breeze. 

Once the hand were completed I painted the edges of the hearts and set them out to dry. For the third heart, the girls helped paint the entire thing pink (of course) and we added Gigi once it was all dry. The hearts dried pretty fast but there were a few wet spots so we used the hair dryer to finish the job. 

Once the paint was completely set, we set the order of the hearts and drilled holes so we could attach them. I thought we had some extra rope from an old project but we couldn’t find it so we grabbed some string that we used and braided it to thicken up the strands. My eldest is obsessed with braids right now so this was her favorite part. 

I looped the braids through the hole and adjusted the length before looping the ends back through and securing them with a few knots. We had to adjust the holes a few times due to the thickness of the braids but we made it work and then added some picture hanging hardware to the back and it was ready to hang. Note: We added hot glue to the back to secure the string for extra strength. 

Then we hung it on the wall so the girls could see their handwork. 

It was a really simple project using pieces that we had from home and the girls enjoyed being a part of the process. Gigi loved it and made sure to send us a pic of it’s new home as soon as she got it hung. 


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To Mom, With Love

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Mom, from the very first moment you’ve been there for me, loving and guiding along the way. I wish I could put into words how much you mean to me, but for now all I can say is

thank you.

For loving me through all the ups, downs and in-betweens, thank you.


For teaching me to smile through my pain and to learn from my mistakes, thank you.

For listening to my heart and helping me find what it needs, thank you.

For pushing me to be kind even when I’d rather not be, thank you.  

For showing me to love with my whole heart and to forgive when it’s broken, thank you.

For being my cheerleader at my best and the constant support at my worst, thank you. 

For looking at my girls with a full heart and open arms. Thank you for being you. 

It hasn’t always been the easiest road, but I am so glad that we have ended up in such a beautiful place. Thank you for being you. I hope that I grow to be the Mom that you are to me. I love you. Happy Mother’s Day. 


To my babies, I promise to be there and to love you for all of my days. Becoming your Mommy has been the greatest adventure filled with laughter and love, tears and joy and I am so blessed to have been chosen to be yours. As you grow, know that I am growing along with you and I am so proud of the beautiful souls you two are becoming. Thank you for your patience for me as I learn to become a better Mom and for never giving up on me. Your smiles are forever embedded in my heart and I will do my best in keeping them there. Oh babies, I love you so!

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Treasure Found: Barbie My Size Throne

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We find it and try it before you go out and buy it

Find It

When you’ve got at least two kids close in age, there is a lot of competition and the battle over toys can be epic. If one has something cool, the other one wants it too so it’s often easier to get two of everything. Treasure hunting can be a fun way to score some deals, but it certainly has it’s drawbacks – especially when trying to duplicate a find. Last week on our way home from the Farmstead we took a different way home and stopped at a garage sale along the way. Our eldest jumped from the car and immediately ran toward her holy grail…a throne. Not just any throne, a Barbie Princess throne covered in jewels. She sat down, her eyes lit up and I was trying to figure out how to convince her that we didn’t have enough money for it, but little smarty pants went right up to the lady running the sale and asked how much it was.

I anticipated it being more than the leftover cash I had in my pocket but she looked at B and said $2 for the little Princess. Well my argument for it being overpriced was quickly squashed and B’s delighted scream-twirly dance overruled any other argument I had. She proudly handed over the dollar bills and told the lady that she was 3, she was strong and she could carry it herself. Getting back to the car, we had to stop and make GiGi close her eyes so she could take in the full effect. 

The princess and her throne

Try It

When your three year old wants to call everyone she knows to tell them all about her new chair, you know you have a winner. She was so excited to show off the hidden compartment, the jewels all over and how the arm rests held all her favorite cups. We knew she would enjoy it, what we didn’t anticipate was how much our youngest would love it too. 

She wanted to be in the chair at all times, whether it was occupied or not. Since she has recently started standing her ground and taking what she wants, this became an issue before we had started dinner on the first day. She loves to crawl in from under the armrests while her big sister sits on the edge and then pushes her out of the way so she can take over. My husband joked that we would need to find another one and by the end of dinner, had me looking up where to buy another one. 

Would we buy it?

One problem – they originally came out in 2007 and are no longer available. I checked all the second hand sites, eBay and even did a regular search and came up empty handed. By day 3 I was ready to come up with an elaborate plan to extract it from our home because the fighting non-stop. By the end of the week I was over it and had thrown in the towel…they would just have to learn to share, and I would invest in quality ear plugs. 

Then a late night miracle happened, I was up way too late feeding Sienna and browsing Craigslist for upcoming sales and I saw it. Tucked away on an inside page was the same exact chair in a pile with other treasures. I couldn’t believe it! I emailed the seller right away and hoped that she hadn’t already sold it and didn’t think I was a crazy person for emailing at 3 am. I got up super early with the girls in tow and made it shortly after she opened. I didn’t see it on display so my heart dropped a bit but as we walked up, the lady in charge asked if I was the one who inquired about the throne chair as she drew it from the back and I did my own delighted scream-twirly dance. When the girls saw it, they both squealed and ran up to it. Little sis hopped on up to do her best Captain Morgan impression and it made the most magical sound causing both girls to start up their own happy dance again. Apparently we were too excited about the first chair before that we didn’t know there was an on/off switch. Best day ever!

One very happy princess

Oh, and the topper – it was only $6, so for the two combined we spent $8. After seeing the prices these chairs were originally going for on eBay, we definitely got a deal. Back to the question, yes. Not only would we buy it if we had to, but we did and we have two very happy princesses on our hands. 

Buy it (or something similar)

Unfortunately these chairs are no longer for sale but Amazon has tons of cute Princess Chairs if you are looking for the perfect addition to your princess room. 

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Don’t Blink: Spring Family Photos

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Life goes faster than you think, don’t blink

Mr. Chesney hit it right on the head with his song. Life has flown by way to fast and I can’t believe that my babies are one and three already. Mother’s Day weekend is already here and we couldn’t think of a better way than sharing a few photos from our latest family photo session. 

Kim Joyce Photography has done it again and captured the girls beautifully. It’s not easy getting the girl to cooperate but her patience and grace makes getting family photos so much easier. These are definitely my favorite ones yet!

I definitely cried happy tears over these photos and my heart filled with pride. I love these girls with my whole heart. They made me a mother and I will spend everyday reminding them how much I love them and are in awe of the beautiful, sweet ladies that they are becoming. Shower the mama’s in your life with love this weekend and remember, life goes by faster than you think so don’t blink.

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