Bailey Jayne – 5 Years Old

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How is it that my baby girl is 5 years old already? It seems like just yesterday we were nervous parents bringing you home from the hospital with our hearts full and a little terrified of what was next. We are so proud of the beautiful, kind young lady that you are becoming and Bailey, we love you so much!

I love how kind you are to everyone – especially if someone is having a bad day. You are always there to pick them up.

You are one smart cookie. It has been hard not going to school and seeing your friends and teachers everyday, but I have enjoyed watching you learn while we homeschool.

Your sweet smile lights up a room, even when you’re being a little trickster!

The camera loves you and I love that you love the camera back. You know what pictures you want to take, what poses you think work best. I’m glad you enjoy being behind the lens with your own camera too!

My sweet dancer. We love to watch you dance. I know you are missing your classes and competitions during this crazy time, but we are proud of how hard you are working at home during your Zoom classes.

Keep twirling baby girl and let your joy show!

We’re proud of your strength and your determination. We love watching you practice your leg grabs and your candles.

Be silly. Life is too short to take everything so seriously. Thanks for helping us lighten up.

Take big leaps and don’t be afraid to fall. We will always have your back.

I love watching you question the world. I may not always like it when you question me, but I know you’re looking for answers.

Protect yourself and those around you. You may not be as battle ready as your sister, but you protect your friends and family fiercely.

Keep shining your bright light. You’ve made me a better person and the world a better place by just being you.

You’re a natural…beauty, athlete, dancer and friend. Don’t change for anyone.

Stand up for what you believe in, let others know how you feel. I am so proud of you and your convictions. When they go low, we rise!

Sing your heart out! I love how quickly you can pick up a tune and your love of all music. We can share the classics and I’ll learn your new favorites.

My baby girl

You’ll always be my baby, my heart, my love. Watching you grow is my biggest pleasure and my deepest pain. I wish I could keep you little forever, but I will always be here to watch you blossom.

You’re Daddy’s girl. I love that you snuggle up in one of his softest shirts and get so excited to see him come home. He’s your biggest fan too!

You have been such a good sister to Tequila. I love how kind you are to all animals, but watching you take care of Tequila and keeping his calm and safe is a beautiful thing. I have no doubt you will make an awesome vet.

You were born a nurturer. I have loved watching you take on a mothering role with your little brother. He smiles immediately when he sees you and it makes my heart melt.

As the oldest you will always lead the way, thank you for being such a great teacher to your brother and sister.

I love the way you can make your sister laugh, especially after she’s been upset. She looks up to you so much…your friendship should be treasured.

Oh baby girl. Happy 5th Birthday! We love you so much and can’t wait to see what this next year will bring!

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Sienna Rose – 3 Years Old

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What do you get when you mix a sassy sweet princess with a fierce trash talking warrior? Our very own Battle Angel, Sienna Rose who turns 3 today!

Sienna we love you so much and are so proud of the little fighter that you are.

You love to wake us up with sweet good morning kisses and then get right into fighting over what outfit you want to wear.

You are definitely giving us a run for our money and like to push every one of our buttons.

I know you will go far because you never take no for an answer – though you could dial it back with your Dad and I every once in awhile.

I love your imagination and creativity. The tales that you weave are endless and always entertaining.

I love your spirit and tenacity – even when it completely wears me out.

You are always in a race to get somewhere first – whether it is walking, talking or potty training, you are always pushing yourself to catch up to your big sis. It’s OK to slow down and take your time once in awhile.

We love watching you dance in class and around the house. You’ve got some smooth moves girl!

You are a little songbird, always coming up with new tunes to dance to. Keep singing baby girl.

If forced to fight or flight, you would fight every time. You are brave and strong little girl, but it is OK to take a step back every once in awhile.

You are such a beauty, both inside and out. Keep smiling!

Your laugh lights up a room and we love watching you make others smile. Keep it up little jokester.

Pick your battles little one – you can choose your sassy outfits but I’ll always be there with a coat when you decide it is too cold outside.

We love your curiosity and love of all animals – even the creepy bugs and snakes. Ask questions and enjoy the world around us.

Use that “sharpie” as a sword to fight those imaginary monsters to make the world a safer place – just avoid hitting your sister and brother with them in the process.

I’ll always see the sweet little angel you can be, even when your tantrum is at an all time high.

Your kindness shines through when it’s least expected and that’s when I know it’s genuine.

You’re my little helper who loves to help put away the dishes and fold the laundry.

I love to cook with you in the kitchen even when the counters and the floor look like a disaster afterwards. Your enthusiasm is what counts.

Your sense of style matches your personality – a little sweet, a little salty. But you know what you want even if you can’t always express it to us.

I love to read to you while you help me tell the story you think it should be. You’re a storyteller and we’ll always be here to listen.

You don’t always look before you leap, but you trust without abandon. I promise I will try hard not to let you down.

My little Battle Angel

My wild child, may you never be fully tamed.

Definitely a Daddy’s girl

Follow your dreams wherever they may lead, we’ll always be your home and here to support you along the way.

Best friends for life – I love your special bond

Be kind to your sister but keep her on her toes. You two will always push each other’s buttons but will always have each other’s backs.

You are a very sweet big sister

You will teach him so many things
Being the middle child isn’t easy, but you will thrive
My heart

Sweet Sienna Rose, our spirited and wild child, we love you so much. We can’t wait to see what this year will bring, but we know you will always make it interesting. Happy 3rd Birthday baby girl!

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Hunter Paul – One Month

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What a crazy month! To many, this past month has been one of the longest in history. For us, this month has flown by and I can’t believe Hunter is already one month old!

Hunter is 10 lbs 3 oz. and 22-1/4 inches. We are going to the doctor on Monday for his one month check up. I’m not really looking forward to going because due to COVID-19 only one caregiver is allowed in and I get to take both him and Sienna in for their 1 month and 3 year old shots, respectively.

Hunter is a lot more alert these days and is following voices. He loves to stand and stretch his legs on Mommy and looking over my shoulder. He loves napping on Daddy and listening to his deep voice. Hunter loves when Bailey dotes on him and cuddles with him before her lessons. He loves looking at Sienna when she is doing her flips and even when she invades his personal bubble. He loves watching Bubba walk by and when he sits and protects him during tummy time. Hunter loves baths, cuddling up like a little tree frog, going on walks in the Solly and ring sling, watching the girls during their dance class and looking at himself in the mirror and taking selfies. He also loves to video chat with his grandparents and listening to Mommy sing. The world right now may be more different than we have ever known, but we are so lucky to be together with the chance to spend so much time with our little family. Hunter has definitely been the bright spot to our 2020 and we love him so!

Baby Smiles

Hunter is a happy little guy so far and he has gone from just smiling in his sleep to giving us sweet smiles during the day. the girls like to see who he smiles at first everyday.

Tummy Time

Hunter is rocking tummy time. He has been working hard on his neck muscles and most recently strengthening his legs standing on Mommy.

Sisterly Love


Enjoying the Sunshine

This weather has been a little all over the place this week but we are enjoying the sunshine when we can. Hunter loves to lay out on our outdoor sofa listening to the birds and his sisters playing. He also loves to snuggle up in the Solly wrap and our ring sling and go on walks and nature hikes with everyone.

Schorr Princess Quarantine Ball

Our family has fared fairly well in this quarantine. The girls have been enjoying home school and we’ve tried to get outside to learn about nature and the rest of the world when we can. I feel like the girls are closer than ever and I am really proud with how they have used their imagination and creativity. It has been hard not seeing Gigi everyday and going to some of our favorite spring spots. Every once in awhile the stress will get to the girls and when Sienna had a meltdown about not being able to go to a dance, I had an idea.

We created invitations, made cupcakes and created the first ever Schorr Princess Quarantine Ball! The girls got their hair done (by Mom), picked out their fanciest dresses and danced the night away to our favorite songs on the dance floor Dad created. There were still a few meltdowns but overall everyone had a great time.

Family Skype

When the quarantine keeps you away from the ones you love the most, you have to find new ways to connect. Hunter has been doing a lot of Skype/Zoom/FB Messanger -ing with Gigi & Pop Pop, Grandma & Grandpa Schorr and Granny. We definitely can’t wait to see everyone in person and give lots of hugs and cuddles, but for now we are grateful for what we do have.

Sweet Slumber

Hunter has been a pretty good sleeper so far. He’s not too fond of sleeping in the swing or bouncer and would prefer to be held – thank goodness for baby wearing. He does do pretty well in his bassinet at night, even though keeping a swaddle on him has been challenging. Though I am soaking up all the baby snuggles that I can during this quarantine.


The girls are sharing their love of Snapchat with Hunter and so far he loves it!

We are so fortunate to have Hunter in our lives. He has given us so much joy in this short month, especially as we’ve been staying at home. We’re fortunate to have all this time together as a family and I am excited to see what the future brings. We love you little buddy!

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Hunter Paul – Newborn Photos

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We never imagined that our first few weeks with Hunter would be indoors during a worldwide pandemic. It has definitely been a time to remember and a time to reflect on all that we have to be thankful for. We are very thankful for our family and friends and cannot wait to get together again. It’s been hard not sharing baby Hunter and the girls with them, especially with the grandparents, so we are trying to share more electronically with everyone. Hunter’s newborn photos just came back and we wanted to share with everyone, enjoy!

This face makes me swoon

Thank you again to the wonderful and talented Kim Joyce Photography for these amazing photos and for continuing to photograph our growing family. You are the best!

We’ve got a busy week ahead and will have a lot more photos to share. Stay safe and healthy!

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Hunter Paul – 3 Weeks

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It may be April Fool’s Day but this quarantine is no joke! We are enjoying this beautiful day and celebrating that Hunter is 3 weeks old today! Hunter has been such a good baby, he is pretty chill and goes with the flow. He is really alert these days and his naps during the day are getting shorter and shorter. He has been sleeping pretty well at night but is cluster feeding so it takes awhile to get him down. He is a great eater and wants to eat all the time, so I think he’s going through a growth spurt. Hunter is definitely a happy baby and has given us a few smiles and giggles already…mostly in his sleep, but we’ll take them. He also loves to look at himself in his play mirror and on the phone. Babywearing has been our saving grace and we are so glad he loves to be wrapped up or in the ring sling. He prefers to be sitting up or being a little tree frog on your chest just like his sisters. We are so in love and lucky to have baby boy in our lives.

Hunter loves tummy time and being on the floor. He rolled over on his own once and of course I didn’t have my phone on me but Dad and I both witnessed it. His little legs are getting stronger and stronger and along with his neck. He can move his head side to side and prefers to be on his tummy than on his back. He has made me a little nervous at night because he prefers to roll on his side to sleep and not stay on his back so I have to gently nudge him to his back.

Hunter loves watching his sisters and being held by them. He doesn’t mind how loud they are most of the day and overall they are very good with him. We do have to remind them about personal space several times a day, but luckily he isn’t too bothered by it.

We’ve spent most of our days outside either on walks or in our yard. The girls have been busy digging holes in our yard, playing with sand and planting wildflowers for the bees. Hunter loves feeling the grass in his toes and getting some sunshine on his face.

We started homeschooling through the Olathe School District this week and Bailey has really enjoyed her lessons. Sienna has joined in too. We’ve also started a journal with the pictures she’s drawn and the explanations have given us a little more insight to what she is going through during all of this. She’s really excited for tomorrow because she is having a Zoom meeting with her teacher Ms. Kristi! I know a lot of people have been complaining about home schooling but I have to give major props to the Olathe School District because of how they have handled everything and the resources they put together on such a short notice. We’re all in this together and we are proud to be in such a great district!

Bailey and Sienna have also been enjoying their dance classes every Monday. They love seeing their teachers and friends each week and it brings a sense of normalcy to their lives. Even Dad has gotten in on the action this week!

We hope you and your family are staying safe and healthy!

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