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Hunter Paul – 3 Months Old

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We’re celebrating Hunter turning 3 months in a big way – with a pool day! I can’t believe this little sweetie has been in our lives for 3 months already. He makes every day sweeter and more fun.

Hunter weighs in at 12 lbs 4 oz and is 24-1/2″ tall. There are no doctor’s appointments this month and we are all happy about that!

Hunter in his favorite chair!

Hunter is such a happy little guy! He is always smiling and has started giggling which has made the whole household more joyful. The girls are always trying to get him to laugh. He is getting stronger and more active every day. He loves to jump and look at all the fun toys in his bouncer, kick and swat at his toys while he’s on the floor and moving around during tummy time. He loves to talk and help Mommy cook in the kitchen, have late night conversations and let his sister’s know what’s up. He is very curious and seems to suffer from the same FOMO as his sisters, but even more so since there are two crazy active older siblings to keep an eye on. Hunter loves to stretch his legs and stand on Mommy’s tummy, legs and chest – he feels like such a big boy. He thinks diaper changes are hilarious and has started kicking like crazy when he’s in the bath. His favorite toys are his giraffe, his new mirror and all his teethers. He has started teething hard core and is always gnawing on his hands – thank goodness for the amber beads! He loves to nap on Daddy and has his demeanor. We are so blessed to have such a sweet boy and we love watching him grow!


Hunter has become so active. He loves to kick his little legs at his toys and bat at things in front of his face. His little muscles are getting so strong and he is doing tummy time longer each day. He hasn’t started rolling just yet but he is getting there. He prefers to be standing up or sitting so we’ve gotten a lot of use out of his Bumbo and Jumper. He loves to sit and help me make dinner or get some exercise in on his jumper. He recently started bouncing in it so he’ll be jumping away in no time!

Standing Strong

Our boy loves to stand up whenever he can. His little legs are so strong, you barely have to hold him when he’s standing, other than to keep him from wobbling. He prefers to stand on Mommy so I don’t have a ton of pics but he thinks he’s such a big guy when he’s standing. I’m sure he will be running after his sisters soon…slow down baby boy!

Happy Baby Giggles

Hunter is such a happy baby! He easily gives his smiles and they light up his whole face. He also started giggling this month and it can make any day brighter.

Hunter’s Hair

Hunter has a lot of hair, especially on top. It was so cute and easy to spike at first but now it has turned into a little tidal wave of hair up front. He may be getting a little home haircut earlier that we planned – I don’t know if I’m ready for that yet or if I trust myself to do it!

Daddy’s Guy

Hunter definitely is a mini Brian. Not only do they look alike but he has the same even keel temperament that Brian does too. It will definitely help him dealing with his sisters growing up!

Teething Sucks

Following his sister’s footprints, Hunter has started teething early – and teething hard. Poor guy, he has been gnawing on his hands. He will not suck or chew on a paci so we had to get a bit creative. He has a teething mitt that has been a blessing so far and he has tried a couple other teething toys. Luckily it hasn’t affected his happy demeanor too much – I wish I could say the same about his sleep.

Sleep (Or lack there of)

Speaking of sleep – I don’t think anyone is getting much of it these days. Hunter is waking up every hour, thanks to teething. Sienna hasn’t kicked her night owl status yet and we are working on sleeping in our own bed right now (2 nights so far). Bailey has morphed into an early bird and Dad is working overnights. So there is at least one person up at all times during the night (and it’s usually me). Luckily we didn’t get a ton of sleep before Hunter was born, so we’re used to it. We also invested in a better coffee maker!

Well hello not sleeping baby, that swaddle did not hold up well


There is one thing for certain – Hunter is loved by his older sisters. They are always all over him and begging for more Hunter time. Poor guy, his personal bubble is often invaded, but he doesn’t seem to mind it too much. I do believe the most popular phrase in our house is “please stop touching his face”.

A Spider Drama by Bailey Schorr

Outside Fun

This past week has been super hot in the 90’s with a heat index of almost 100* so we’ve tried to get out a little bit but it definitely takes a toll on all of us. Luckily we’ve had a couple weeks of really nice weather so we’ve spent a lot of time on our new playground. We even got a swing for Hunter and he loves swinging and watching his sisters.

Summer is going to get a lot busier now that things are opening back up. The playgrounds in our area opened up last week and the girls loved getting back to a little normalcy and meeting new friends. And the best news ever – the pool is opening back up! We are going today to Black Bob – we secured a time slot and are looking forward to introducing Hunter to swimming. He wasn’t too thrilled with our blow up pool – but I am thinking the cold water temp was the main problem!

My Birthday

The third (well technically 4th) Birthday we celebrated during quarantine was mine. We spent a day at Grandma & Grandpa’s house having a BBQ and I gave Brian and my little brother haircuts. It was my first time using the clippers and nobody went away bleeding or with a bald spot so I’d say it was a success. The next day we spent time together, I went into the office for a bit and then I got to take some photos with my loves. All in all it was a great birthday!


Another thing to celebrate this week was the return of in studio dance classes! The girls have enjoyed doing the Zoom classes but nothing compares to seeing their teachers and friends. A little slice of normalcy was definitely what we needed. They couldn’t stop talking about class the day before and the day after. Next up – Perception Palooza, an outdoor recital and fun for everyone. We will definitely be sharing photos and videos soon!

Big Brother Tequila

For those of you that have asked, Tequila is doing well. He has been having some hip issues and is slow to get around, but he’s 14-1/2. Luckily he is still very patient with the kids and they have been really good with helping out with him. We love you sweet boy!

We hWe hope you all are enjoying the start of summer so far! We have a lot to look forward to in the next few weeks and will have lots to share soon! We love you sweet Hunter!


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