It may be April Fool’s Day but this quarantine is no joke! We are enjoying this beautiful day and celebrating that Hunter is 3 weeks old today! Hunter has been such a good baby, he is pretty chill and goes with the flow. He is really alert these days and his naps during the day are getting shorter and shorter. He has been sleeping pretty well at night but is cluster feeding so it takes awhile to get him down. He is a great eater and wants to eat all the time, so I think he’s going through a growth spurt. Hunter is definitely a happy baby and has given us a few smiles and giggles already…mostly in his sleep, but we’ll take them. He also loves to look at himself in his play mirror and on the phone. Babywearing has been our saving grace and we are so glad he loves to be wrapped up or in the ring sling. He prefers to be sitting up or being a little tree frog on your chest just like his sisters. We are so in love and lucky to have baby boy in our lives.

Hunter loves tummy time and being on the floor. He rolled over on his own once and of course I didn’t have my phone on me but Dad and I both witnessed it. His little legs are getting stronger and stronger and along with his neck. He can move his head side to side and prefers to be on his tummy than on his back. He has made me a little nervous at night because he prefers to roll on his side to sleep and not stay on his back so I have to gently nudge him to his back.

Hunter loves watching his sisters and being held by them. He doesn’t mind how loud they are most of the day and overall they are very good with him. We do have to remind them about personal space several times a day, but luckily he isn’t too bothered by it.

We’ve spent most of our days outside either on walks or in our yard. The girls have been busy digging holes in our yard, playing with sand and planting wildflowers for the bees. Hunter loves feeling the grass in his toes and getting some sunshine on his face.
We started homeschooling through the Olathe School District this week and Bailey has really enjoyed her lessons. Sienna has joined in too. We’ve also started a journal with the pictures she’s drawn and the explanations have given us a little more insight to what she is going through during all of this. She’s really excited for tomorrow because she is having a Zoom meeting with her teacher Ms. Kristi! I know a lot of people have been complaining about home schooling but I have to give major props to the Olathe School District because of how they have handled everything and the resources they put together on such a short notice. We’re all in this together and we are proud to be in such a great district!
Bailey and Sienna have also been enjoying their dance classes every Monday. They love seeing their teachers and friends each week and it brings a sense of normalcy to their lives. Even Dad has gotten in on the action this week!

We hope you and your family are staying safe and healthy!