We’re late! We’re Late! We’re Late for an Important Date! No truer words have ever been spoken in our house, so when Bailey decided she wanted to be the Queen of Hearts for Halloween, it seemed a perfect theme this year.
This Halloween season has been a lot of fun this year and luckily we got in a lot of outdoor fun before the snow fell. We visited a few new pumpkin patches this year including Johnson Farms and Schaake’s. And we got in a lot of Trick or Treating at The Night of the Living Farm at Deanna Rose, Celebrate Olathe and Olathe North’s Trick or Treat of the Street. Take a look at some of our favorite adventures.
Halloween – The Big Day
When you wake up with a couple inches of snow, it’s hard to get in the Halloween spirit. However it did not stop us from suiting up and tossing a few snow balls.
We watched a little Hocus Pocus while we warmed up and then Bailey had to get ready for school and get dressed up. We had a lot of fun at her school party playing games, eating sugar, having a parade and eating more sugar. Plus we got to hang out with our bestie, Juna, and our love, Elijah. Huge thank you to Gigi for watching little sis while we were at the party.
After school we rushed home to pick up Sienna and headed to Daddy’s work for more trick or treating. We stocked up on candy and enjoyed seeing everyone and looking at t the pumpkins they carved. We may have had a few meltdowns, but I am going to try and block those out. Then we headed to Gigi & Pop Pop’s neighborhood for some quick trick or treating before rounding everything out in our neighborhood.

It’s been an exhausting day, but the girls had fun. Too bad this mama’s preggo, because today definitely called for a glass (or three) of wine.
Night of the Living Farm
This is the first year we’ve been to Deanna Rose’s Night of the Living Farm. The weather was beautiful and it was packed with people. The girls loved roasting marshmallows, doing science experiments and going on the spooky hay ride. It also gave us a chance to test out our costumes this year, without being weighed down by our winter coats.

Pumpkin Patches
We love taking the family to a few pumpkin patches during the season. We are fortunate to be surrounded by a ton, both big and small. We always visit Pumpkin Hollow at Deanna Rose, and this year we made a few trips.
We also visited Johnson Farms with Gigi, Pop Pop and Uncle Mat – it was huge and we spent a ton of time there. And of course, we had to make a stop at Dunn’s Cider Mill beforehand.
And if 10 pumpkins weren’t enough we stopped at one last pumpkin patch, Schaake’s out in Lawrence. It was a beautiful day and there is no entry fee so it was packed, but we still found some really cool and unique pumpkins to bring home.
Celebrate Olathe & Trick or Treat Off the Street
We are so fortunate to live in a wonderful community with tons of activities for kids and adults alike. Celebrate Olathe is one of our favorite events and the girls love playing with all of the kids, trick or treating and crafting. They wanted to try out new costumes for this event so we scrounged through our dress up closet for some last minute changes.
We also hit up the local high school and went Trick or Treating off the street. With the pending snow the high school was packed with kids so we didn’t stay too long but had a lot of fun!
Pumpkin Carving and Shenanigans
We waited until the day before Halloween to carve pumpkins because it’s been so busy lately. the girls loved carving the insides out and helping Dad make the faces. We opted for easy this year because of our time constraints, but I think they did a great job!
This has definitely been an eventful holiday and we’ve had a lot of fun. But we are definitely ready for a little break and the sugar crash to calm down. Happy Halloween from our family to yours!