Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow! I love watching it fall in big flakes like a giant snow globe – it’s so peaceful. From sledding to snow ball fights, I was always the first out in the snow and last to come back inside. Now that I’m a mom I love it just as much – seeing it through my girls’ eyes and watching them explore. Getting snow this early in the season has been a treat, especially as it has been so mild the last few years. I know most people are complaining about it already, but I’m going to enjoy it and try to stay off the roads if I can!
Bailey is obsessed with snow. From the first big flakes we got last week, all she talks about is going outside and making snow balls. When it started coming down on our way to school this morning she was so excited and when I picked her up she immediately started dancing and prancing around in the snow. She had to point out several times that they wouldn’t let her play in the snow at school, but I told her we would make up for it as soon as we got home. We even got enough to do a little sledding today!
Sienna has more of a love-hate relationship with snow. She loves going outside, sledding and walking in the snow. She hates wearing gloves/hats, getting a snow ball to the face and falling in the snow. You would think that her intense love for all things Frozen would make her as obsessed with snow as her sister, but our little Elsa hasn’t found her groove just yet.
As much as the girls love snow, there is one that will always love it more…Bubba! He loves digging, rolling around and chasing the flakes around the yard!
We even had enough snow to make Simply Snow Ice Cream! Sienna was sleeping off a face full of snow but Bailey had a blast making it. Hope you are all safely enjoying the snow today!
We are a little behind on blogging but will be adding new posts this week so stay tuned!